[USC] O.C.A.C Language Study Program for Expatriate Youth 2017

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2017 O.C.A.C. 2nd Term Language Study Program specially designed for the age group of 18th to 24th years old young adults. University of Shih Chien (USC), the world's renowned design institution is honored to organize this year's program. USC is conveniently located in Taipei Center. International Affairs Chinese Language Center excels in an array of summer camps and event design. 

During O.C.A.C's Study Program, the curriculum are instructed by USC and Ministry of Education certified Chinese Language Center instructors. The program content is organized according to student's Chinese level. For this year's program, we are offering different elective Chinese courses from the past. Elective courses improves Overseas Chinese's language in their social skills and future career path. Beside Chinese courses, we arrange a diverse culture event. 

University of Shih Chien started recruiting program assistants six months ago in order to train qualified program assistants. The program not only create a memorable language experience and interpersonal relationships exchange among a diverse Overseas Chinese in a beautiful reminiscence. 

Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan